June 28, 2014 (this day)

I can’t believe that in November, 2008, I wrote 29 posts!  What else did I do?  I guess that was before I discovered the Sims.  And Facebook.


Last year, we did not buy new towels for our new bathroom.  We still haven’t.  IMG_0105Now we have a new kitchen to not buy new stuff for.

Last night we went to a wedding shower for someone in our home group.  She’s marrying someone in the program.  I really hope it works.  I’m sure the chances are much greater than if they were drinking.  Tonight we celebrate the 27th anniversary of a group member.  She moved from the same area I did to the same area I did, randomly.  Her presence and her accent comfort me.  And her long sobriety.  Before that we’re going to attempt to kayak for the fourth time.  We’re practicing on a small lake nearby and neither of us is very good at it, and both of us are out of shape and full of physical issues that make this difficult.  I don’t want to give up on it, although sometimes getting down the street is a challenge.


Upcoming are the visit from my mother, our trip to Canada, a trip south in the heat to see my daughter.  We’re going to go to the annual local AA amusement park thing  on July 4th because it falls on a Friday and I don’t have to work the next day.  I’ve never done it and probably won’t again, bit I’m more into experiencing these AA things at least once than I used to be.  Retirement (if I’m ever lucky enough) may find me at an AA gathering of more than 100 people one day.  Maybe.

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