Suppose Financial Insecurity Constantly Arouses (Step 4 continued)

Suppose financial insecurity constantly arouses these same feelings. I can ask myself to what extent have my own mistakes fed my gnawing anxieties. And if the actions of others are part of the cause, what can I do about that? If I am unable to change the current state of affairs, am I willing to take the measures necessary to shape my life to conditions as they are? Questions like these, more of which will come to mind easily in each individual case, will help turn up the root causes.

This hits to hard! I’m not a fan of root causes. I have serious doubt that what I think may be a root cause, actually would be one. I question the worth of uncovering root causes.

So, I am always financially insecure, more so now that I’m not working. I have had more than enough every day of my life, and my children have enough money to support me, if I needed them to, which there is no good reason to think this would ever be necessary, but there it is. So why?

My father died when I was six, and my mother shoplifted. She had an advanced degree and worked, and her parents were involved and supportive, so she may have been anxious about it, but on her own she supported us and saved enough money to make us very comfortable in retirement and old age. I have no good reason for this anxiety.

In my case it feels like a twisted, twisted logic. Am I willing to take measures to shape my life to conditions as they are? Conditions being, I have more than enough. What are these measures? Is it studying the steps?

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