June 5 2024 (this day)

My wife and I met in person 27 years ago today! We had been attending the same online AA meeting. In 1997, that meant typing out what you wanted to say. An exclamation point raised your hand. She was new and I ……… wasn’t. I refused to meet her until she had a year sober. Now I know many big book thumpers who would make fun of that admonition. It’s not the in book! I stand by my reluctance. All’s well that ends well.

The troll at my zoom meeting has taken to attacking and threatening the co hosts. Only some of the co hosts. So first we limited chat to co hosts and the whole group. Now we’re talking about closing the meeting after the first 15 minutes and not letting anyone in after that. I can’t believe how this one sick individual affects us all, it’s just terrible. I often speculate on what kind of person this is, what they do in their other life away from attacking the meeting. Do they attack other meetings, or just this one? Ug.

I’ll be going away next week for two nights for the first time since my mother moved here, leaving her in charge of my cats. I worry endlessly, and not unreasonably, that she might drink and not take care of them. I hate this, also. It’s never too late to give your children a sober mother. I don’t know how to say, or if it would do any good to say, don’t go over if you’re drinking! You might not close the door and I might lose a beloved pet. My son will come check on her and have dinner with her the one full day we’re gone. Will they drink together?

It’s after thinking about things like this that I find such peace in AA meetings and AA gatherings where everyone is sober.

So I worried last post about money and having enough. We moved to a new house in December, and there is a significant issue with the downspouts, and it seemed for a time that the builder wouldn’t fix it. Now it seems like he will. Did I learn anything from this useless worry?

Learning to add to the “what-ifs” – what if this turns out alright?

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